
Where am I

I managed to slip over on 6-November-2015 and fracture the femoral head of my right hip. This blog is just to keep friends and relatives up-to-date with my recovery. It also will show where the NHS is good and where there is opportunity to improve. If you click the images tab (above) there are a few images of the break before and after the repair.

Update 10-June-2016 - sadly the femoral head has avascular necrosis and a total hip replacement will be carried out on 15-June-2016

I am home in Stoke Bruerne

Saturday 18 June 2016

Day 2 of recovery

A lovely, but brief, visit from Lynda and Sam at lunchtime. Sam, very sadly, had a stroke back in February and was at NGH for a follow up appointment.  In the evening my friend Helen broke off from preparations for Stoke Bruerne Family Festival to see me.

A fairly quiet and uneventful day except for the ongoing issues of the complete lack of blood pressure when standing.  This is very odd for me as I have always been prone to high blood pressure and that's a family history issue.  I understand the low blood pressure is as a result of the loss of quite a bit of blood during the hip replacement but not enough to require a transfusion and the use of morphine through the self-administered process available to me. The blood should have replenished itself by now and the morphine was switched off about 10:00 yesterday so I am hopeful that when we try again later this morning I should be OK.

I had a lovely visit mid-afternoon, from a doctor (Matt) to discuss my ongoing care.  He's very keen on a carer for a few weeks (months) but I find that, whilst a sensible approach, to be the first chink in my armour against getting older.  I suspect he is right and that I will need some help in the immediate future. Likewise he thinks an 'emergency' button around my neck/wrist would not be foolish - another 'capitulation' to getting older but the facts are quite clear:
  • In the immediate future not quite so mobile
  • A house that's not predisposed to infirmity 
  • The potential to do a lot of damage to myself should I slip and fall on the stairs
  • Peace of mind for friends/family
  • I live by myself
So here's to a standing test that doesn't leave me woozy and feeling sick and an acceptance that I may need to compromise on the levels of assistance I need going forward.

Update @14:15 - The good news is that I have just got up and stood on my two feet and sat down on my chair and have no signs of nausea or dizziness; well that is good news, another step forward on what is turning into a very long (226 days today) road to recovery.

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